Our Fundi stories

Telling Lies in the Workplace: Why Honesty is Always the Best Policy

Telling Lies in the Workplace: Why Honesty is Always the Best Policy

Telling Lies in the Workplace: Why Honesty is Always the Best Policy (Unless You're a Comedian)

August 3, 2023
Why Going Hybrid is the Key to Employee Bliss

Why Going Hybrid is the Key to Employee Bliss

Why Going Hybrid is the Key to Employee Bliss: The Benefits of a Hybrid Business Approach

March 20, 2023
Why Hiring Freelancers is the Way to Go

Why Hiring Freelancers is the Way to Go

Freelancers vs. Full-Time Staff: Why hiring freelancers can change the game

March 20, 2023
Why It's Nice To Be Nice at Work

Why It's Nice To Be Nice at Work

(And everywhere else, while you’re at it.)

February 28, 2023
How To Manage Your Money As A Freelancer

How To Manage Your Money As A Freelancer

Top tips for managing your money as a freelancer.

August 15, 2022
Finding Your Rate In The South African Market

Finding Your Rate In The South African Market

Deciding on your freelance price tag by guest writer, Matthew Leighton

August 15, 2022